Using the Cloud Spanner Addon

Cloud Spanner Addon

Cloud Spanner is a fully managed relational database. The Cloud Spanner addon provides a local emulator to test your local application without incurring the cost of an actual spanner instance.

Enable Cloud Spanner on minikube

To enable this addon, simply run:

minikube addons enable cloud-spanner

Cloud Spanner Endpoints

Cloud Spanner provides two different ports, HTTP and GRPC. List Cloud Spanner emulator urls by running:

minikube service cloud-spanner-emulator

####################Sample Output#########################
| NAMESPACE |          NAME          | TARGET PORT |            URL            |
| default   | cloud-spanner-emulator | http/9020   | |
|           |                        | grpc/9010   | |
[default cloud-spanner-emulator http/9020

Using Cloud Spanner within a cluster

Cloud Spanner emulator can be used via endpoint cloud-spanner-emulator:9020 for http clients and cloud-spanner-emulator:9010 for grpc clients respectively. If you’re using the standard client library for Cloud Spanner then set SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST to the GRPC endpoint cloud-spanner-emulator:9010.

Testing installation

kubectl get pods -n cloud-spanner-emulator

If everything went well, there should be no errors about Cloud Spanner’s installation in your minikube cluster.

Disable Cloud Spanner

To disable this addon, simply run:

minikube addons disable cloud-spanner

Last modified July 7, 2023: Add addon readmes to website (cf976f6dd)