Using the YAKD - Kubernetes Dashboard Addon

YAKD - Kubernetes Dashboard Addon

YAKD - Kubernetes Dashboard is a full-featured web-based Kubernetes Dashboard with special functionality for minikube.

The dashboard features a real-time Search pane that allows you to search for Kubernetes resources and see them update in real-time as you type.

Enable YAKD - Kubernetes Dashboard on minikube

To enable this addon, simply run:

minikube addons enable yakd

Once the addon is enabled, you can access the YAKD - Kubernetes Dashboard’s web UI using the following command.

minikube service yakd-dashboard -n yakd-dashboard

The dashboard will open in a new browser window and you should be able to start using it with no further hassle.

YAKD - Kubernetes Dashboard is also compatible with metrics-server. To install it, run:

minikube addons enable metrics-server	

Disable YAKD - Kubernetes Dashboard

To disable this addon, simply run:

minikube addons disable yakd

Last modified December 20, 2023: fix: typo in yakd doc (1bdbc58cd)